Because Breathing is NOT optional!

Originally posted on Harvested Health LLC.:
During cold/flu and pneumonia season, many people realize how important the element of being able to take a breath can be.  You can live a few days without water & weeks without food, but you can only go a few minutes without air.  So doing all that you can…

The Most Abundant Mineral In the Body… CALCIUM

Calcium is another mineral that is included in the Basic Metabolic panel blood test.  It is the most abundant mineral in the body, An average healthy male has 2.5 – 3 pounds of calcium, while an average healthy female has about 2 pounds.  Yet 99 percent of the body’s calcium supple is in the bonesContinueContinue reading “The Most Abundant Mineral In the Body… CALCIUM”

The Basic Metabolic Panel…Your Blood Lab Tests.

Most people typically go yearly to have a physical and also have routine blood labs drawn.  One of those routine test usually include “The basic metabolic panel (BMP), which tests for a variety of indicators of metabolic functioning, which includes glucose (blood sugar), electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function & operation.  Glucose, calcium, sodium,ContinueContinue reading “The Basic Metabolic Panel…Your Blood Lab Tests.”

Triglycerides…Do They Matter?

If you are like most folks, a blood test is an event that comes once a year along with your annual physical. Typically, within a week, your doctor calls with the results, assuring you they are normal. You may even receive a copy of the test, complete with columns of numbers supposedly confirming your health,ContinueContinue reading “Triglycerides…Do They Matter?”

The Call of Addictions….

I felt the need to talk on this topic… well because it’s a big topic and it affects not only the people who struggle with addiction; but those connected too the person who struggles with addiction. When it comes to interacting in this world, NOTHING is ever just about one person, there is and alwaysContinueContinue reading “The Call of Addictions….”

What’s The Real Scoop On Inflammation?

Most of our health issues have a direct “root” in “inflammation”. Inflammation is a normal response to any sort of tissue damage or even injury, sprain an ankle whats the 1st thing that happens, the body sends fluid to the area injured and it swells… Inflammation also happens when there is a chemical/microbial issue .ContinueContinue reading “What’s The Real Scoop On Inflammation?”